• Présentation et objectifs
  • Introduction
  • I. What are the sources of economic growth?
  • A. What is economic growth?
  • But something went wrong with the GDP...
  • B. The accumulation of capital and labor factors is the source of economic growth.
  • C. Increasing Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is a source of economic growth.
  • II. What role do innovations play in economic growth?
  • A. Endogenous technological progress, resulting from innovations
  • B. Institutions must provide incentives to invest and innovate.
  • C. Innovations are accompanied by a process of creative destruction.
  • III. What are the challenges of economic growth?
  • A. Technological progress can lead to income inequalities between social categories.
  • B. Economic growth faces ecological limits.
  • From The Hippies to Greta Thunberg
  • Degrowth (Strong Sustainability)
  • C. Innovations can help push back the ecological limits of growth.

  • Continuing The Economic Growth while ensuring sustainability (Weak Sustainability)
  • Vocabulary
  • Thanks for studying that lesson.
  • Bilan du module

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Mes statistiques